


forrest anderson

what shall be our particular answer for the downwind? whose the significant whisper others hear at once although we only guess, before

plunging on down toward an obscure signature

until more than the indicated penalty be served

or stumbling along crooked corridors

of false promises

while continuing to feel the soft and foolish


of others hard as we along the brutal street

eyes swinging wide the night, hearts sweating

white, cry out

"where is the meaning in the story we have lived, can i reach through to your real consciousness?" stars explode, then burn cold in the fading sight

who bared his feeling but to catch her forked tongue

mention of a dear name got back a loud laugh why do we forsake the true to chase down the false stubborn man infatuate with his own conceited


to place others under ban, himself observe none nor any so saintly as to endure endlessly disillusionment the sort of any who has dreams you were at your best when speaking of the sea

now gone to make mysterious motions over water none can well know what will come up soon nor can i either drown too deeply ever

if i go on making lost motions toward you.

photo by maria werder